Thank you for your interest in my services.

I am happy to offer you a free 15-20 minute consultation, so that we can discuss your goals and get to know each other a bit prior to your first session. Give me a call at 301-365-2428 or email me at to learn more. There’s no obligation. I’d like to teach you about how hypnosis works, and how I run my services with my clients, so that you can make an informed decision. I look forward to speaking with you!

Not sure you’re ready to pick up the phone and have a conversation just yet? No problem. I’ve created a no-obligation mini-training session (12 emails) about hypnosis just for this purpose. Complete the form below and the emails will begin arriving in your Inbox very soon. Your privacy is very important to me. I will never sell or share your information.



Lori’s Contact Information

I am located in Olney, Maryland and see clients in the Washington, DC metro area for in-person sessions. I also work with individual clients globally through Skype or Zoom.

Lori Nicholson
Master Hypnotist
Master Practitioner of NLP
Certified Fertility Consultant
Certified IEMT Practitioner